Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I have a financial plan?

Having a financial plan provides a map for your financial journey, offering clarity on your goals, a strategy for achieving them, and a safety net for unexpected storms. It's your compass for making informed decisions, optimizing resources, and building a foundation for a secure financial future.

What is the difference between a Fee Only Firm & Franchise Brokerage Firm?

The primary differences between a fee-only financial firm and a franchise brokerage firm lie in their compensation structure, business model, and potential conflicts of interest. Fee-only firms aim to minimize conflicts by relying on direct client fees, while franchise brokerage firms often earn commissions from product sales, which may introduce additional considerations related to the alignment of interests. Clients should be aware of these differences when selecting financial services that suit their needs and preferences. For more information visit our blog section.

Why should I work with Deb?

Deb is not bound to aggressive corporate sales quotas and advisor incentives. Deb is the Founder and President. She created Great Lakes Financial Strategies because she knows clients deserve to be seen and heard, not just sold to. Deb’s mission is to meet clients where they are at. Deb’s success is 100% contingent on her client’s success.

Is there a minimum amount of assets I need to be a client?

No. We work with clients of all sizes, from those who have achieved substantial wealth to those in the process of building a solid financial foundation.

I am overwhelmed by my finances, can you help?

Yes. We center your financial plan around behavior -not around investments. We focus on understanding the values and goals that affect your decision-making. We work together to form good money habits that will lead to stress free money management.

Please reach out if you did not find an answer to your question.